May is nearing a close and I haven’t blogged much. So let’s do another list of interesting things. I admit that the title of these posts isn’t fitting, but who cares.
Taking babysteps into Ruby on Rails land
It’s been real quiet here because I’ve been rather busy at work and the re-enactment season kicked off. I’ve also started a little project for my own which will be based on Ruby on Rails. I have no experience with it what so ever.
I followed the steps on the offical site, please note that you need super user privileges so begin each command with sudo. While everything was installing I stumbled upon this article on the Apple site, which I’m now following to understand and learn the language and the framework. It’s a year old but seems up to date so far. They also specify the sudo command so you’re ok with my first tip ;).
This week on my screen #8
- Jimmy Nilsson on Chunck cloud computing.
- InfoQ presentation, 10 ways to code better.
- NHibernate IPreUpdate & IPreInsert explained.
- Something from way back, Black Sunday hack via Coding Horror.